How to plan actions and decisions during your meeting

How to plan actions and decisions during your meeting

Make an action plan on Beekast for more efficient and productive meetings.

Regardless of the progress of the meeting, you can validate your decision or planning your actions at any moment. For this, Beekast offers two simple solutions:
  1. The activities of brainstorming (Board and Metaphor): you can transform no matter what idea into an action or a decision when you arrive at the moment of the definition of the action plan.
  2. In the Actions area, you will have direct access to the planning of your actions and decisions. 
Ideal for task attribution, the actions, and decisions allow you to increase the interaction between your employees.

We advise you to name a secretary at the beginning of the session, who will be in charge of this mission.

More efficient meetings thanks to Actions/ Decisions

Once actions have been planned in a session, it is essential to be able to track them.

At the end of the meeting, you can share the report of the session that traces all the exchanges, activities results, and actions/ decisions. You can also communicate with your participants the action plan of the session to disseminate the synthetic result of your collaborative meeting.
This way, everyone will have the same information.

To ensure that the action plan is done, you must add a follow-up between meetings. Beekast simplifies this, thanks to the due date reminder emails: the participants assigned to the action will receive a reminder by email when the due date is approaching, which allows them to update their follow-up before the next meeting.

How to activate the feature on your session?

By default, actions and decisions are activated on sessions.

This feature is enabled on all Beekast sessions. But if you want to deactivate or reactivate it, you can follow these steps :
  1. Click on the screw button to access the “Settings”, next to the Share button, at the top right of the screen.
  2. Then activate the function, Action/ Decision by dragging the "Allow actions and decisions to be entered in the discussion area" lever.
  3. Finally, click on “Save”.

Action or Decision creation

To add an Action or a Decision to your session there are three solutions:

  1. As the owner and participant of the session
Click on “Make an action/ decision” at the bottom right, in the Action and Decisions part at the right of your screen, (check box icon) then, choose to add an Action or a Decision by using the arrow next to it.

  1. As the owner of the session
During a Board or Metaphor activity, it is possible to plan an action or make a decision directly from an idea sent by you or one of your participants. 
For this:
- Click on the three small dots at the right of the sent idea in your Board or Metaphor activity. 
- Then select Plan an action or Take a decision.

All you have to do is add the details of your action.
You can add:
- The title of your action (or decision)
- The details of the action (or decision)
- Assign the action to as many participants as you want
- Select who proposed the decision
You can only assign actions or decisions to participants connected to your session with their Beekast accounts.
- Add a due date to the action
- Set a priority to your action
- And finally set a status: to do/ ongoing/ done

Depending on the status of the action and the established due date, a reminder email will be sent to the assigned participants.

You can then act directly on the actions and decisions by going through the Actions area of your session, by clicking on the three small dots at the top right of your action OR decision:
  1. You can change the status of your Action (To do, Ongoing, Done).
  2. You can access the edition of your action OR decision.
  3. You can delete your action OR decision.
 You can also change the status from the button, as shown by the image below:

On your workspace (My sessions page), you can view the progress of actions/decisions of a particular session.
  1. If all the tasks are not finished, they will appear in red.
  2. If all the tasks are finished, they will simply appear in white.

It is possible to receive by email your action plan established during your presentation, to ensure that each of your participants keeps track of the actions/ decisions in place, it can be forwarded from your email. For this, go to the tab Actions on the right of your screen, and select Send action plan.



To make the most of the Actions / Decisions feature, you have a notification center in Beekast, which you can find by clicking on the small bell icon at the top right of your Works.
You can find all the actions assigned to you, regardless of the session in which they were entered. You can quickly get an overview of upcoming deadlines and prioritize your work.
Furthermore, you can update the status of these actions directly via the notification center, so your tracking points in Beekast become more efficient!

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