Beekast est un outil vous permettant d’animer des réunions/événements/formations via plusieurs types d’activités (Brainstorming, Icebeaker…), tout en incluant des présentations grâce à d’autres documents.
Do you have a 6-digit code?
Go to the platform, enter the code you have in the field indicated in the blue banner at the top center of the screen, and then click on Join. You will then need to identify yourself to the session, according to the identification method chosen by the host (anonymous avatar, username, or email, see the "Log In into the session" paragraph of this article), in order to connect to the session. This banner will remain available from the Beekast Workspaces screen.
You can also log in with this code at Enter the 6-digit code, and you will immediately be taken to your presenter's session.
Do you have a QR code?
If you are invited to join a session via a QR code, use your smartphone to read the QR code. You will then be directly redirected to the session and only have to identify yourself on it.
Do you have a link?
You have received an invitation by email to join a Beekast session? Just click on the link and you will be connected directly to the session. You will only have to identify yourself to participate in the presentation.
When you arrive at the session, Beekast will automatically ask you to identify yourself to access the content. There are three different login modes on Beekast: Avatar, Username, and Email. The session identification mode is chosen by the session owner and is available for all participants.
By Avatar
An avatar is composed of an animal and an adjective that allows you to identify yourself on the session. It is an anonymous way to participate in a session. You can choose it randomly by clicking on the arrow at the top right of the avatar. Once you have selected your avatar, it will be assigned to you for the entire session and you will not be able to change it.
By User Name
Login by username allows you to choose a pseudonym of your choice as your login for the session. You are free to choose whatever you want, so you can choose your first name, your last name or your initials for example.
By email
The identification by email corresponds to an identification via Beekast account. It is thus necessary to have a Beekast account, even free, to connect you to the session.
If you are connected to your Beekast account, you will be automatically redirected to the session and will be identified without any additional action on your part. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in or create an account.
This identification will include your first and last name as well as the image that you have entered in your Beekast account (you can find this information by clicking on the bubble at the top right, then on "My account")
On Beekast, there are two modes of scrolling: the scrolling mode by the moderator (synchronous) and the scrolling mode by the participant (asynchronous).
The Moderator scroll mode :
The facilitator controls the scrolling of the slides and will also have control over the activities, which he or she can start and end at his or her convenience to make them available or not to the participants.
When the facilitator starts the activity on his side, it becomes available and you can participate.
Here, the activity is not yet started and is therefore unavailable
Here the activity is started and the participant can place the options in the activity
The Participant scroll mode:
With this mode, you can view the session and scroll through the slides on your own. As long as the session is open (only the session owner can decide to open or close the session), you will be able to log in at any time and participate in activities at your own pace.
You can navigate through the session by clicking on the arrows at the bottom right of the screen.
Various tools are available directly on the Beekast session. The tools are located on the bar on the right of the screen. These tools allow you to interact and access information and documents that the facilitator has added to the session.
In the Activities area, you will be able to see all the activities in progress as well as the completed activities. If you didn't have time to respond to an activity before the presenter changed slides, for example, you can still participate in the activities you missed from this area. Then click on the top left button "back to slideshow" to return to the host's active slide.
In the Messages area, you can send messages with your questions, or a comment with or without a picture. This space allows you to exchange with the other participants of the session.
In the Tabs area, you can find a set of additional information and documents. This information and documents have been added by the session owner and can be consulted or downloaded directly from the session.
In the Action area, you can view validated decisions and planned actions at any time, you can also create an action or a decision…
In the Participant area, you will be able to see the list of participants who have logged in during the session, as well as the number of points they have accumulated during evaluation activities.
In order to view the list of participants, you must have a Beekast account and be logged in.
In the Video area, you can join the videoconference (with Jitsi or Zoom) associated with the Beekast session. If there is no videoconference associated with the session, the tab will be empty.