Create a form

Create a Form

Collect the opinions in real-time, so you can get an idea of what they think!

To create a Form, click on “Add a slide” on the top left of your session and select the activity “Form”. 

Once you select the Form activity, you have access to the edition panel of the activity.

Edition panel of the activity

You will have access to the next sections:

Fill in the title of your form
Add Instructions that will provide more details about your activity. This is optional.

  1. Activity format
You can choose to make your form participation anonymous (default) or nominative.

  1. Questions
Select the type of questions that you want to ask your participants. You have the choice between multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, or the rating type. Then, fill in your question in the field provided. You can, depending on the question, choose that your participants can check off one or more answers. 
You can add as many questions as you want by clicking on the button “Add a question”.

  1. Propositions (in the case of a multiple-choice question)
It is now time to fill in your choices of answers. You can add as many propositions of answers as you want as well to make it an optional question or not.
You can add an image to your questions and answers, as well as to delete a question as an answer.

  1. Results
Choose the display mode for the activity results, either in real-time (Live) or only at the closing of the activity by yourself.

  1. Settings (Time management)
To make the activity even more dynamic, you can choose to display a Stopwatch or a Timer (to determine the duration of your activity).
Then, click on Save to register the information.

  1. Start your activity
In the participants' mode (asynchronous mode), your form is automatically available once your activity is saved. In the facilitators' mode, you can manually start your activity by clicking on the green button Start activity on the top right of your slide.

As the creator/facilitator of a session, you can choose to participate in the activity by clicking on the tab Take part at the top of the activity slide once this has started.

The options of the activity 

At any moment, by clicking on the three small dots on the right of your slide: 
  1. Edit your activity*
  2. Duplicate the activity
  3. Reset the activity
  4. Capture the activity in image format
  5. Delete the slide

Some options of the Form activity are not editable anymore once the answers have been saved. 

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