Become more productive by using the Beekast Matrix activity. Inspired by management methods, this tool will help you prioritize your tasks and redefine your strategy.
How to add a Matrix activity
To add an activity, click on Add a slide at the top left of your session, then scroll down until you see the Matrix activity and click on it.
- General
Once your Matrix activity is selected, you will have access to the edition panel to set up your activity.
First, add the title of your activity, this can be a question or simply a phrase. You also have the possibility to add instructions to your activity (this is optional).
- Activity format
For this activity, you can choose between two formats: the grid or quadrant.
By picking the grid, you can add or not a color gradient, while with the quadrant you can select the color and assign a name to each unit of the quadrant.
You also have the possibility to personalize the axes.
- Propositions to evaluate
Fill in the elements to evaluate (between 2 and 20 items) by clicking on Add a proposition to add new elements.
Click on the garbage can icon to delete an element. Every deleting action is definitive.
- Results
You can choose to have the results displayed either after each answer (Live) or after closing the activity by the session organizer or animator.
- Other settings
You have the possibility to activate a stopwatch (to get the duration of your activity at its end) or a timer (to determine the duration of the activity).
You can activate the counter of people who participated in your activity
Once the activity is finished, click on Save.
Start your activity
In the facilitator control mode, you will have a button to start your activity in the top right corner, which allows your participants to participate.
To participate, participants will need to click and drag and drop the elements onto the matrix according to the axes.
The points are placed in real-time on the matrix according to the participants' choices.
They will have to click on Submit to validate their participation.
The activity's options
You can at any moment, by clicking on the 3 small dots on the right of your activity:
- Edit your activity
- Duplicate the activity
- Reset the activity
- Delete the slide
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