Technical support and Tips

Technical support and Tips


To ensure an optimal use

We recommend doing full-scale prerequisite tests (testing the hardware, the Internet connection, and your session with another user at least as a participant) at least 4 hours before to anticipate, to avoid any stress or to have time to chat with the support team if necessary.

Create and display a slide of instructions with necessary login information to Beekast.

Please explain to the participants the usefulness and benefits of Beekast to optimize the participation rate (ability to engage in real discussions, to ask questions, to give their opinion, to participate in various activities, etc.).

It is necessary to allow time (a few minutes) to participants to log in to your session on d-day.

To enable participants to get connected on d-day

Tell them to go on the Beekast website then enter the session code.
Ask them to type in their navigation bar the given URL: Please make sure that they type it correctly.
Or invite them via the envelope icon “Invite” at the top right of your session
Please use up-to-date versions of your browser: Chrome (very recommended), Firefox, Safari, etc.

Start a first test activity just after your first connection, for example, an Icebreaker activity like the word cloud :

“What’s your mood today ?”
“What do you expect from this day, meeting, training ?”

Make sure that all the information are well understood by the moderators of the session and that they get informed on Beekast features if it is someone other than you.


Beekast for EVENTS

We recommend using two (2) computers or devices on which you will get connected to your Beekast account :

One computer that you will connect to the video projector or the control switch on which you will display your session in full screen. ( double arrow icon on Beekast)
Please check the zoom on the projection screen to make sure that the font is are bigger enough and visible in the room (use the zoom in and the zoom out at the bottom right of the full screen when you move your mouse)
The other one (tablet, smartphone) in administrator view to manage the session (moderation, launch activities, etc.)

If it is possible to have two devices, we recommend using the extended view. An explanatory article is available right here!
⇒ Both computers/devices will be automatically synchronized.

Tips: When you use the full-screen mode of Beekast, you can launch and end activities by pressing the spacebar of your keyboard / the remote control/Pavlov (button to switch the slides remotely) also work on Beekast.


Your presentation is imported to your Beekast session

⇒ In the case, you use the extended view, read the explanatory article right here!
This means that you are behind your computer to start your activities, moderate the session, and so on.

⇒ If you use the full-screen mode on your computer connected to the projector via an HDMI cable, VGA or a Clickshare, and on the second device (computer, tablet or smartphone) you also need to connect to your Beekast account to manage your session.
We recommend the use of the tablet or the smartphone for more freedom of movement in the presentation room.

You have decided not to import your presentation (ppt) to Beekast.

⇒ You will need to move from your presentation to your Beekast page, and vice versa. the easiest way to do this is to use the shortcut “alt+tab” to switch from your full-screen presentation to the full-screen Beekast page. This means if you are moderating anything your participants will see it on the projection screen.

Tips: When you are in the full-screen mode of Beekast, you can use the spacebar of your keyboard to launch and end activities. It’s also possible with the remote control/Pavlov (button to switch the slides remotely).


An Internet connection is compulsory to use Beekast for both administrator and participant.

For a meeting, training, or event of up to 100 participants, a 4G network will be necessary if it is fully accessible to all the participants.
Above 100 participants or if the 4G reception is not perfect, we recommend setting up your device to use the WI-FI Internet connection.

Recommended speed :
20 Mbps per second for 100 participants (Then make a cross product to fit your amount of participants)

If possible, connect to a Wired (Ethernet) network with at least 2 Mbps for the PC which will project your Beekast session. This enables to optimize the Internet connection and avoid the peak download speed.

This is required for events gathering over 100 participants.

Below are some classic questions to be transmitted to the IT officer. They can foster a diagnostic if the existing infrastructures are sufficient or not.

What is your Wifi installation (ADSL, VDSL, optical fiber)?
Is it a room-specific network or a network shared by everyone? Is it possible to implement a dedicated network in your room?
What is the available Internet speed? per-user or globally speaking? We recommend a speed rate of 20 Mbps for 100 participants.
Is your infrastructure for Internet connection capable to support 100 participants simultaneously connected? Otherwise, are the bandwidth and its quality sufficient enough?
Is the room equipped with a 4G network?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information:



Smartphones (such as iPhone 5 or newer and latest Androids)
Up-to-date (ios, android, etc.)
Up-to-date browsers (Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)
Internet Explorer (not recommended)
Enable cookies and local storage


Here are some exceptional situations which affect a small number of users. If unfortunately, you are part of it, we provide you with some solutions 

In case of loss of synchronization (no pop-up at the launch of activities, no appearance of messages on the timeline, etc.)

⇒ The first thing to do:
Refresh your Internet page and tell your participants to do it also
Check your Internet connection (4G, Wifi Access Point) especially if you have the notification “connection in progress” ⇒

If the problem persists or if you encounter another problem (a continuous loader or a persistent notification "Connection in progress")

Open a new tab and enter
Then click “send email to the support team” so that the support team makes an investigation on the issue and comes back to you.
This may be due to security and access control, and firewalls of your company's network or devices (smartphones or computers). In this case, we will send you a document to forward to your IT department to solve the situation.

In the case, you encounter any problem or you have any questions, please click on the lifeline icon to reach the Help center at the top right of your sessions.
Tutorials will enable a hands-on introduction to Beekast.
You will find articles and answers to your questions on the Help center and F.A.Q. Help center

Do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on if you have any questions.

Available from Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Paris local Time)

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