The page My sessions

The page "My sessions"

Once connected to your Beekast account, you have access to the “My sessions” page, in which you will find all of your sessions and the sessions in which you have participated.
On this page, you will also have access to a Beekast help and resources section, and you can create a new session.
At the top right of your screen, you can find the following buttons: :
  1. Notification Icon: You will have a notification if you have an action to do. You will also be able to see all the finished actions.
  2. The interrogation sign: where you can find our resources
  3. the icon button or your profile photo: to have access to My account space
  4. Filter: The filters allow you to customize the view of your sessions in your workspace. You can filter your sessions by role, tags (categories), and visibility (Open or Closed session).

  5. Import a session: If you want to have a copy of a session and you already have the Import code of the original
  6. Create a session: The button allows you to start the creation of a new session.

Your sessions’ information 

Each line corresponds to a session, the information that you may find for each session are:
  1. The multiple selection square
  2. Name of the session
  3. Date of the session’s last access
  4. The role that you have in that session (Owner, facilitator, Participant)
  5. The number of actions created and the ratio of “created actions/ finished actions”
  6. The number of created decisions
  7. The status of the session: Open (accessible to participants) or Closed (inaccessible to participants) 

You can see all your sessions in a list classed according to the different categories mentioned in the columns. 

The possible actions of a session

At the right of each session, you will find three small dots which allow you to access certain actions to the session: 

The available actions depend on your role in the session

As the session’s organiser, you can:
  1. Open or Close the session
  2. Modify the session’s title
  3. Add a tag to a session, this allows you to filter the view of your sessions by category
  4. Duplicate a session (All copy made on Beekast is done without the participation data)
  5. Move your session to another workspace.
  6. Delete the session

ATTENTION: All removal is permanent

As a facilitator of the session, you can:
  1. Modify the session’s title.
  2. Add a tag to the session this allows you to filter the view of your sessions by category.
  3. Duplicate a session (All copy made on Beekast is done without the participation data)
  4. Move your session to another workspace.
  5. Exit the session.

If you exit the session in which you are the facilitator, you won’t be able to access it later. The only way to access it again is by being invited (over the public link or the session code). In both cases, you will still have the facilitator role. This means that, if you have access again, you can facilitate, modify, etc.

As a participant in the session, you can: 
  1. Add a tag to a session, this allows you to filter the view of your sessions by category.
  2. Move your session to another workspace (in your account).
  3. Exit the session.

Help and Resources 

In the top right corner you will find the question mark icon, where you have access to help and resources, to assist you and accompany you in the use of Beekast:
  • You have access to Templates that allow the import of premade activities to your session.

  • You will have access to the Help Center, where our users can find our dedicated articles and tutorials on activities. 

  • Likewise, you can access our Beekast Academy, to follow our certificated training in the basics of Beekast.

And so much more!

“My account” information

By clicking on your profile, at the top right of your screen, you will access to many buttons:
  1. My account: clicking on it, you can access to all of your personal information.
  2. Log out: by clicking on this button, you can disconnect from your Beekast account.
  3. Language: you can change the language of your Beekast interface.

The workspaces

You can create until 50 workspaces by clicking on the + at the top left of your screen.
To see all the sorted sessions in the workspace, you just need to click on the desired workspace.
To create a workspace, click on Workspace. Fill in the name of the new workspace and then click on Create. 

You can do a direct search of a session by clicking on the icon at the top of the blue strip, using the title of the session or its code.
To move a session, you can click on the three little dots in the line that belongs to the session. Next, click on “Move to”, then click on the workspace into which you want to move your session.

Furthermore, you can also move your session by holding your mouse on the session. Then sliding the session into the workspace that you wish at the top left of your screen.

The Trash icon and the dialogue bubble

The trash icon is a new Beekast feature that will allow you to find and restore your deleted sessions, if you have deleted them by mistake, for example. You will then have up to one month to restore your Beekast session.

You can find the recycle bin at the bottom left, after your last workspace.

And the chat bubble at the bottom right of your My Sessions area gives you access to the Beekast live chat, where you can get in touch with one of our Support team members.

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