Change my Beekast password

Change my Beekast password

How to change my password?

To change your password:: 
  1. Click on your profile and then go to the space “My account”.
  2. Then, click on Username and password.

  1. Fill in the fields “Old password” and “Your new password”. When creating your new password, verify that it meets the required conditions.

  1. Once all fields and conditions are completed, click on Save.

A banner will indicate that your password has been successfully updated.

Forgot your password process

You forgot your password, or can’t connect to your account? 
Follow the forgotten password procedure. First, fill in your email address in the field Email. Then, click on Forgot your password? 

A new page will appear, click on Send.

You will receive an email inviting you to reset your password. Go to your mailbox and click on Reset my password.  

Fill in the new password and click on Send.

Go back to the sign-in page, and enter your email address and new password. Your password is reset, and you will have access to your Beekast account.

If you are logged in via your company's SSO (Single Sign-On), you don’t have a password registered on Beekast.

Why I cannot change my password?

You have followed the steps above, but when you get to the Username and password page, you only see your email address?

If you encounter this situation, it means that you have chosen to log in via a social network (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft) or via your company's SSO when creating your Beekast account. This means that your Beekast account does not have a classic password, so you will not be able to change it.

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