Connect Jitsi to your Beekast session
It is now possible to connect your Jitsi account to one of your Beekast sessions to share the link to your videoconference meeting directly in Beekast.
Your participants will be able to find the access link in the home menu of your session, and will only have to click on this link to join the meeting!
Add a Jitsi meeting to your Beekast session
First, go to your session settings by clicking the “Settings” button at the top of your session screen next to “Results”. Next, click on “Connected Applications and Integrations”.

Logging in to your Jitsi account is only valid for one session. It will not automatically connect you to your other sessions!

Jitsi is a tool that allows you to customize your meeting access link. But it does not inform if it is already in use. So you can end up in the same meeting with people you didn't invite. That's why Beekast automatically generates a long random link (composed of numbers and letters) to make your link unique.

Attention ! Jitsi now offers the Iframe window in demo versions of 5 minutes, which means it is not possible to do the entire presentation with the floating window in Beekast.
Once connected to the Jitsi meeting at the bottom of the screen, you will have different actions available, such as :
1. Activate/deactivate the microphone
2. Activate/deactivate the camera
3. Share the screen
4. Open the chat space
5. Rise your hand to intervene
6. See the list of participants
7. Change the view of all the participants on screen
8. Invite participants to the meeting
9. Settings
10. And finally end the call

By clicking on the small arrows associated with the “Microphone” and “Camera” icons, you can access the settings for these two features.
Dissociate your Jitsi account from Beekast
-Go to your account, by clicking on your logo or photo on the top right corner,
-Then go to "Connected applications" section
-Click on the red trash can right next to Jitsi

Note that all meetings created from Beekast will be deleted
Useful links to other articles
If you would like information on connecting Zoom it's this way → Connect Zoom to a Beekast session
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