To add a Challenge activity, click on “Add a slide” at the top left of your session, then select the “Challenge” activity in the drop-down menu that appears on the left.
Then, choose the type of question that you want to ask your participants and type it. Add, if you want, an image to illustrate your question.
Decide the score assigned to your question!
Once you have the title of your question, you will find on the right the button to set the number of points for your questions.
To choose between a multiple choice and single choice type of question for your activity, you will find in the panel on the right the space to choose the format of the activity.
Type your questions, add the propositions, and check the box(es) corresponding to the correct answer(s) to give.
You can activate the partial answer option which allows your participants to earn part of the points of the question even if they didn’t check all the good answers.
You have the possibility to add images as well as to delete your answer proposals. (Same for the question part)
You’re not limited in the number of questions.
Click on Add a question to add a new question to your Challenge.
You have the possibility to add an explanation to each of your proposed questions. For this, +Add an explanation under the question.
You can then decide the settings (Stopwatch, Timer, Display participants count in real-time, Countdown) to activate and choose if the results will be shown after each answer or at the end of the activity. This feature can be found on the right of your screen.
When you are done, click Save and click Start Activity (to the right of your slide) to start your activity!
As the session owner, you have the option to participate in the activity by clicking on the "Take part" tab at the top of the slide.
Once the time granted for this activity has arrived, the animator of the session can end it by clicking on "Stop Activity" at the top right of the slide.
The Challenge activity is an evaluation activity, it allows your participants and teams to score points based on the selected answers. The participant will earn points for each correct answer, and will not earn any points if they give a wrong answer.
Individual Podium:
Once the Challenge activity is complete, you and your participants will be able to view the points earned individually. To do so, click on the podium icon in the middle right of your screen.
If you have created teams on your session, the points earned by teams during the activity will also be visible on the activity podium. To view this podium, click on the icon in the middle right of your screen to see the rankings of the different teams.
The facilitator can also display an overall ranking with the accumulated points for each participant, as well as a ranking by team, via the projection screen to see the progress of each.
To access the projection screen, click on the Project Session button at the top right of your screen. Then, click on the "Leaderboard" icon at the top right of the projection screen, then on the individual or team icon at the bottom right to display the different rankings.
More information about the Challenge activity