Extended desktop

Extended desktop

With the extended view mode, you can project your slides from your computer to an external device (TV set, video projector). You get a larger desktop spanning multiple displays.

This feature allows you to connect your computer to a video projector, room screen or other, to display your projection screen.

Your owner/facilitator interface will remain on your computer screen to moderate messages, play slides and all other activities of your session.

Expand your screen on Windows

First, connect your second monitor / projector to your computer. Then, make the shortcut Windows Key + P. Whether you are on Windows 7, Windows 8/10 and 11, click on the option extend.

Windows 7

Windows 11

Extend your screen on Mac Os

First, connect your second monitor / projector to your computer. Then, in the Apple menu (top left) click on System Preferences and select Monitors. Then click on the Layout tab.

Make sure that the "Mirror Displays" checkbox is not selected.

How to display your projection screen on a second screen / video projector

Once your extended view mode is activated:

Click "Live session" at the upper-right corner of your session to open a new tab.

Click on this tab and drag it on your projection support.

You can manage your session either from the administration page or from the projection page, with no impact on the presentation. To do this, hover your cursor over the upper-right corner and activate the controls in the settings.

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