Scoring systems in Beekast

Scoring systems in Beekast

Facilitate the evaluation and encourage the engagement of your participants

On Beekast, there are 2 typers of notations to boost the engagement or to evaluate your participants.

The score obtained by your participants corresponds to the amount of point earned on the assessment activities (MCQ, Challenge, Ranking, Pin on image, Association). The Bees reward participation in activities and participation in the discussion area through messages sent.

These two scoring systems are completely different.

The score of the evaluation activities determined in number of points

You have the possibility to set the amount of points that the questions worth in your assessment activities.

This rating system allows you to easily follow the validation of your participant's learning.

Let’s take the MCQ activity as an example.

Click on the button next to the activity’s title box, you can then attribute the number of points that you desire to give to your answer.

You can assign from 1 to 10 point per question.

On the assessment activities, Challenge or MCQ, you can also assign points or not in case of partially good answers for the Multiple choice questions.

For this, click on Count partial answers. Your participants will be awarded points based on the number of correct answers they gave out of the total number of correct answers expected.

If your participants give one wrong answer, the good answers given won’t be counted.

You can observe the progress and the number of points of your participants in the asynchronous mode (Participant control). 

You have the possibility to see the results of your participants in points or in a percentage. Go to Results on the top of your session, then, click on the tab Participant scores.

The Bees award the most invested participants and evaluate the engagement rate during the session

For the most committed, Beekast has a "Bees" system: the more a participant contributes in Beekast, the more "Bees" they earn!

Earn Bees by responding to activities and posting messages. 

As a facilitator of the session, you can see the number of Bees that your participants are cumulating during your session. Click on Results on the top of your session. And then on the tab Participant scores.

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