How to generate the QR code?
For easy access to your session, you can add a QR code on your slide Instructions or display it on the projected screen at any time during your meeting.
Display the QR code via the Instructions slide
To add an Instructions slide:
- From your session’s interface
- Click on Add a slide to see the slides and activities panel on the left of your screen
- Scroll the activities until you arrive to the Instructions slide and click on it
- Leave the settings as they are
- Click on Save
The QR code of your session will then be displayed on a new slide, along with the code of your session.

Warning: The option “Custom text” will not display the QR code.
Display the QR code via the projection screen
- Click on the button “Projection screen” at the top right of the session
- On the new tab with the projection screen that opens, click on the "Settings" icon on the right top corner of the screen
- Click on the option Project QR code
- Hide the QR code by clicking on the cross at the top right of the page.
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