F.A.Q Beekast usage

F.A.Q Beekast usage

To have access to the public link or session code of your session, click on the Share button on the top right of your session.

You will find the public link of your session, you can copy it by clicking on the icon Copy link on the right, or send it directly via email to your participants.

The session code is unique, made up of 6 numbers, automatically generated at the creation of the session. You can communicate it to the future participants of your session in order for them to be able to join your session.

With the session code, they will need to go to the page my.beekast.com and insert the code you provided them to access your session.

How to change the session code?

Click on Share at the top right of your session. You can generate a new session code at random by clicking on the spinning arrow icon to the right of the session code. This will also change the session's public link, making the previous session code and public link obsolete.

How can I project and moderate my session at the same time?

To project and moderate the same session, we recommend you to use the Extended desktop. This functionality allows you to connect your computer, par example, to a second screen/videprojector to project your session.

Your facilitator screen page will not be visible to your participants. You can moderate the discussion space, scroll the slides, etc.

Can we reset a session? 

It is actually possible to reset a session. It’s an action that only the owner of the session can do. For this, go to the Settings on the top of your session, by clicking on the screw icon on the top right of the session, then click on the tab General. Click on Reset session, then validate by clicking on Reset.

Attention, resetting deletes all activity data and the list of participants. Once the session is reset, it is not possible to go back.

How to export the data collected from the activities? 

On the tab Results on the top of your session, you can access by clicking on the Graphic bars icon, you will have the possibility to generate either Meeting notes of your session in a Word format, or the Statistics on an Excel format. Click on the document you want, then select if you wish to downloaded to your device or onto your Google Drive.  

How to reset the results of one activity without deleting it?

To reset the results of an activity in particular, click on the 3 little dots on the right top corner of your activity slide, then click on Reset. A message will appear then asking you to confirm the resetting.

Attention, once the activity reset, it is not possible to go back.

How to delete a session?

To delete a session, go to the page My sessions, click on the 3 little dots on the right of the session that you wish to erase, then click on Delete. Only the owner has the possibility to erase a session.

Attention, any deleting on Beekast is permanent.

How to add a facilitator to my session?

This functionality is a premium feature.

Go to Settings on the top of your session, then click on the tab Facilitator.

Enter the email address of the Beekast account of the person you wish to have as a facilitator. Your facilitator must have a Beekast premium account in order to be able to present on your session. 

Now you can also add facilitators directly from the Share button on the top right of the session, then clicking on Co-facilitators.

Know more about how to add facilitators.

How to display the messages on the projection screen?

To see a message on the projection screen, go to the tab Messages on the right of your session. Then, click on the icon Project on the top of the message you wish to project. 

See our tutorial on Projecting a message.

How long do I have to change the instructions for my activity? 

For all activities, you can change the title and/or instructions at any time, even if the answers have already been recorded

However, there are some constraints.

For assessment activities, if the activity has already started and contains answers, it is only possible to change the titles and instructions. If the session owner wishes to change the suggestions or the points awarded for the correct answer, he or she will have to reset the activity (which will delete the entries).

As far as the Challenge activity is concerned, the dynamic is changing in certain areas. The owner retains the power to modify :

  • The title and instructions

  • The question header

  • The explanations added at the end of each answer

However, the owner does not have the power to change :

  • Suggested answers

  • The points awarded for correct answers

If your activity has not yet started, you can change the activity settings at any time. It is your participants' answers that prevent you from changing the rest of the activity once it has started.

Can I add/delete columns to my Board afterwards?

With the Board activity, it is entirely possible to add columns as you go along during your Beekast session. This allows the facilitator, for example, to add or remove columns depending on the needs of the session.

Consult our Board article to know more about this option.

How can I see how many people are in my session? And who answered my question? 

There are several ways of checking the number of participants in your session and/or activities. 

- You can do this from the Participants button on the right of the session. In a synchronous session (scrolling mode by the moderator), and in asynchronous mode (scrolling mode by the participant), the moderator can see the progress of the participants from this area too.
- From the stick figures icon at the top right of the session, you can see the number of people connected simultaneously with you.
- To see the number of participants in an activity, some of them have the option of displaying the number of people taking part in the activity live. By activating this option, the counter will be displayed at the bottom left of the activity slide with a grey icon representing a person.

For more information on participant responses, see our article on Generating and export results.

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